achieving your goals

7 Best Tips for Sticking to Your Goals

Goal setting is always fun and exciting at the start, the determination and hope fresh in our systems. The first few days or even weeks may be easy to keep up with. But ultimately, many people don’t stick with their goals long-term. But you want to make your dreams into a reality, don’t you? Then you want to build good habits that will ultimately lead you to achieving those goals.


 To help keep your progress going strong, here are some tips to get you through those hard days when your goals and dreams feel more like an unachievable burden.

Tip #1: Positivity is Key

Whether you have tried to reach a goal before and gave up, or have a history of not following through with the resolutions you have set for yourself, leave all of that missed opportunity in the past. This is your new slate, a fresh start. This time is different, this time it matters, and this time you will stick to it, no matter what. So stay positive!

Tip #2: Start Small

Many people have lofty goals, which truly is great, but can also be quite overwhelming. Remember that sometimes you need to consider the time and effort needed to achieve something. Are your goals ones that you can reasonably achieve in your desired timeline?



– Break down larger goals into more manageable chunks

– Smaller goals are easier to reach, and you can build upon them as you go

– Set many small goals into steps that lead you towards you bigger goals


– Too many goals can also be difficult to manage, be sure to prioritize what goals are most important for you to reach first

Step #3: Schedule It

Like a meeting you cannot miss, set a time and date schedule and stick to it. This is a commitment you have to yourself, so show up for you.


– Setting a time for when you will work towards your goals will help to make it into a habit


– The more specific the better:

  • Say what you will do
  • When you will do it: time of day, day(s) of week, etc.
  • Add on to another habit, a method coined “habit stacking” 

– Set reminders:

  • Write them down and put them where you can see them
  • Add it to your calendar
  • Set an alert on your phone

Tip #4: Track It

One of the best ways to stay encouraged on your path to achieving your goals is to track your progress along the way. It’s easier to conquer the path ahead when you can see how far you’ve already come. It will encourage you to keep going, because you won’t want to lose all of that progress you have made.



– Set a timeline for when you plan to achieve your goal (or each small goal leading to the larger goal)


– Journal your progress for your own records


   – Make a list of your accomplishments so far


– Share your progress with a friend


– If you’re really like to share: post on social media


– If you stray, get back to it asap! The longer you wait the easier it is to quit


– track any real measurements that you can. This is great for fitness and health goals: track weight, take body measurements, keep a food journal, track your workouts or caloric intake, etc.


– Other examples: I wrote _ pages of my book today. I walked _ miles today. I studied for _ hours today. 

achieving your goals

Tip #5: Visualize your Goals

Seeing your goals displayed can be quite helpful and encouraging on your journey to completing them.


– Create a vision board of what you are looking to accomplish


– Write down goals, post it style, and put it on a wall or mirror as a reminder


– Leave encouraging notes to yourself

Tip #6: Seek Encouragement

Having a friend or family member that knows your goals can not only help keep you motivated, but hold you responsible when it comes to accomplishing your goals.


– This can be a daily check in, such as “did you do _ today?” or even a simple weekly text asking how your progress is coming along


– Have a friend with the same goal as you? Use this to help motivate each other! Send each other encouragement, share healthy recipes, take the same educational course or go to the same gym together.


Tip #7: Reward Yourself

A small gift to yourself can help motivate you to keep going. This gives you something to look forward to on those difficult days.

– Give yourself small rewards along the way, as you reach the smaller milestones

– Have a bigger reward after you achieve your bigger goals

– Don’t reward in a way that will offset your goals. For example, if you have healthy eating goals, don’t reward yourself with junk food.