Christmas party activities

Christmas Party Activities

I don’t think there is a single person out there that wouldn’t agree that Christmas Parties are so much fun! During the month of December, I think I could throw a party every weekend if time and schedule allowed.  


Because I am such a Christmas fan, and I am sure that you, my dear reader, are as well, I have put together a collection of holiday activities for you! These can easily be added to any Christmas Bash, and some can even be made into the main theme of the party!

Christmas party activities

Decorate Cookies

This activity isn’t just for the kids!  Decorating cookies is a fun way to make a party dessert into an activity. This works best with sugar or gingerbread cookies. Be sure to prepare your cookies in advance, whether you make them from scratch or cut them out from a roll of Pillsbury dough (don’t worry, I won’t tell!). Be sure to supply a variety of colored icing for your guests to use.


You can use pipet bags or just some Ziploc bags with the tips cut off for decorating. You can even go as simple as keeping the icing in bowls with knives to spread it onto the cookies. Just don’t forget the sprinkles!

Sing Carols

How quaint is that old tradition of gathering around the piano to sing Christmas carols? While many of us don’t have a piano (even if we did, I wouldn’t know how to play it) you can still enjoy some old-fashioned singing, whether it’s in the living room or around the dining table.


If your group is extra adventurous, gather everyone up and go caroling around the neighborhood! Be sure to print out some song lyrics for each guest beforehand so they have the words. You’ll want to have at least 5 Christmas carols to choose from.

Make Gingerbread Houses

Turn it up a notch from the cookie decorating and make some gingerbread houses! You can make your own, or do what I do and buy the gingerbread village kits that come with 4-5 houses (link). You can give each person a house, or have them decorate in pairs. It’s fun to watch the couples assemble theirs together!

Ask your guests to each bring some candy to decorate with so you’ll have a large variety to choose from (this way you don’t have to supply it all yourself).

Theme It!

This activity makes for a great theme as well! Consider making this a cocktail and desert event, focusing on candy and gingerbread flavors along with other winter spices. Think gingerbread men and sugar cookies for desserts, and rock candy or cotton candy dropped into fluted glasses of rosé or champagne.


You can even use some candy or sprinkles to act like confetti to decorate the dessert table with! DIY some gingerbread garland from some cardboard and white craft markers and string them up with some twine.  


As you decorate your houses have your guests share some of their own most treasured Christmas memories.

Christmas party activities

Host a Cookie Exchange

It’s fun to start off a party with a “cookie tasting” where you have everyone get a plate and you all try one cookie at a time, moving through each one. Have whoever brought the cookie you are testing say a few words about why they picked this one to share and why it’s their favorite Christmas cookie recipe.  You can get some fun stories about family holiday traditions and baking memories here!


Be sure to supply cookie boxes for each guest and pack up the cookie boxes early on! I would recommend doing this right after the tasting. Have everyone get 3 of each cookie and make their boxes to set aside. This way you can guarantee that all the cookies won’t be gone before they can take any home. Any leftovers are fare game!

Theme It!

I love a good “cookies & cocktails” or “cookies & cocoa” for a cookie exchange party theme, depending on the feel I wish to set for the occasion. Ask all of your guests to bring a huge batch of their favorite homemade cookies along with the recipe (have them print out enough copies for everyone attending). Make sure to request enough cookies from everyone so that each guest can have 5 cookies. 3 to take home, and 2 to enjoy at the event.


For drinks, either make a Christmas-themed cocktail or set up a hot cocoa bar. This bar can include a thermos or crockpot full of cocoa, along with add-ins like marshmallows, candy canes, cinnamon, as well as some alcohol choices, of course. Peppermint Schnapps or Rum Chata anyone?

Watch a Christmas Movie

Who doesn’t love movie nights? There’s no reason why you can’t have a showing for your annual Christmas party and make it your theme!


Either pick a flick or make it more engaging by asking guests to send in their vote (give them 3 to 4 choices) with their RSVP. This way they can all be involved. Of course, the majority wins!

Plan a Gift Exchange

Add a Secret Santa or Dirty Santa (where you can steal each other’s gifts) to your Christmas party this year. You can also do a mad shopper version, where everyone rushes to grab a gift from under the tree. Have them keep what they grab or allow exchanges, it’s up to you!

Theme It!

I feel that themed gift exchanges are a good way to help people decide what they should bring while still allowing for variety. Be sure to set a price limit for guests not to spend over.


 A homemade gift exchange is a great way to help cut down on costs while making it thoughtful. This also helps people to show their creative side and you might see someone’s hidden talent!


Make it a favorite local product exchange. This is a fun one! They can only bring products that are made within the state you live in.


Other gift exchange ideas include an ornament exchange, a stocking exchange (where each guest brings a stuffed stocking), a cozy winter gift (such as candles, throws, scarves), or perhaps a gift card exchange. A wine or alcohol exchange is also fun option for adults.

Christmas Festivities

Every Christmas party needs a fun game or activity to accompany the ambiance, food, and company that everyone can enjoy. It brings an additional element of both relaxation and fun, plus it’s a great way to mix up any event! I hope that one of these ideas has given you inspiration for your annual Christmas party this year. Have a very merry Christmas!