at home spa day

At Home Spa Day

Oh to have a day at the spa… ok, I honestly have no idea what that actually feels like, because I have never been willing to shell out the cash for a true spa experience. I do, however, enjoy the cheaper version of a spa day in the comfort of my own home.

Why it's Important

It is so important to take some relaxing time to yourself. To clear your mind, reset, and refresh. An at-home spa day is a great way to do this. I guarantee that if you start putting this into your weekly routine, you will start to look forward to this time for your own self-care and relaxation.

Recommended Supplies

Here is a list of the things I recommend having on hand in order to mix up your spa days:


– bubble bath/salts/bath bombs

– candles

– plush robe

– a variety of masks (eye, face, hand, foot, etc.)

– hair masks/deep conditioner

– foot bath (soaking tub)

– pumice stone

– lotion

– cozy socks

– manicure set

– nail file

– nail polish

– books

– Favorite shows/films

– wine

– chocolate

Spa Day Themes

Theme 1: Relaxing Bath

Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles! I honestly do not fully enjoy a bath unless it’s filled with bubbles. The scent, the softness it adds to your skin, and the fact that they’re just fun, makes them a must in my book.


Other great alternatives to bubbles are, of course, bath salts and bath bombs. Dr. Scholl makes some great relaxation bubbles with lavender and melatonin as well as accompanying bath salts if you are looking to really unwind before bed. I also love the pretty salts with dried flowers in them, they add a fancy little touch to your tub experience.

Lighting is Key

When it comes to a bath, mood lighting is a must. Candles (either wick burning or battery operated) placed around the tub provided an added sense of calm. My favorite candle brand is Red Leaf Home. Their Wild Honey Nectar scent is honestly my favorite candle of all time.  Most of their scents are amazing and you can often find them at a fantastic price at HomeGoods.

Although enjoy low lighting while taking a bath, I sometimes like to read while in the tub. If I do, I will either bring in a small shaded lamp to set on the counter or turn all but one lightbulb off of the vanity. This adds just enough light to comfortably read while still providing that perfect ambiance.

Musical Accompaniment

Relaxing music always helps to set the mood of a bath. Soft piano, jazz, guitar, or cello, all make for the perfect soft background noise. Rain and thunderstorm sounds, or a crackling fireplace are also great choices.


There are so many options, just hop on YouTube and see what suits your preferences. Just make sure they don’t have commercials. I like Beige Mellow because I do not have to worry about any interruptions during the video.

A Good Book

I say a good book and a glass of wine go a long way, especially during your at-home spa time. Reading in the tub give your brain something to focus on, helping to prevent it from wandering to things like to do lists, worries, things that prevent you from fully relaxing.


It’s never a bad idea to accompany a good book with a glass of wine from time to time. I love sipping Moscato in the tub, to me this truly completes the experience, like icing on a cake. Don’t forget to grab a glass before hopping in!

Theme 2: Show Unwind

I love me some spa time while watching a favorite show. I usually pick something I enjoy and have seen before, like a good romantic comedy or a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. I recommend picking something you can reminisce on without giving your full attention to it. This way you can easily paint your nails or give yourself a facial without too much distraction.

Show Snacks

Of course, you need something tasty to enjoy with your show (preferable before you paint your nails). I’ll often grab a little something to snack on, like some chocolate-covered pretzels or almonds, while I soak my feet. This feels especially necessary when watching Gilmore Girls since those ladies’ are always eating!

Foot Soak

This is a great time to break out the foot-soaking tub and sit on the couch in that plush robe of yours. If you don’t have one of these, you can use any plastic bin you have at the house. They also have inflatable foot soaks which work quite well and are easier to store than the hard plastic ones. I always add in some bath salts to soften my feet, and you might want to have a pumice stone on hand as well.


After scrubbing them with the stone, do any nail trimming or filing that is needed. Then lather them up with some lotion, allowing time for it to soak in. I find the best way to do this is to cover them with some fuzzy socks for 10-15 minutes. This is also the prefect time for a hand and face mask as well!

Mani Pedi

After your feet are nice and soft from the lotion, and you have let any masks you used sit, it’s time for a DIY manicure and pedicure. Just be sure to get rid of any excess lotion on your nails before applying the polish.

Make it an Event

Have a friend over for a girl’s night, where you do your nails, watch a show, and drink wine. Another idea is to turn it into a date night with your husband, where you take a bath together and give each other massages (I actually have the perfect at-home date day all planned out for you here!). Bringing someone into your relaxation day not only helps ensure that it happens, but it can also make it extra fun.

A collection of what I keep in my spa basket

Spa Tips

Keep a Basket

I have a basket that I store under the bathroom sink that is specifically designated for spa time. I have all of my masks, bubbles, and nail supplies in one place so that I can easily pull it out and see what I want to use that day. It also serves a good visual reminder every time I open up the cabinet.

Set a Date

Establishing a routine is a good way to be sure you make time to pamper yourself. Pick a night that works best for you and stick to it. Put a reminder in your phone or note it on your calendar. Show up for you!

Where I get Supplies

I actually get almost all of my spa supplies at stores like HomeGoods, T.J. Maxx, Marshall’s, and Burlington. They often have great deals and I love mixing up the products I try. It’s always something new every time I go.

at home spa day

Mani Pedi Basics

I often save the salon for special occasions like my birthday, fall, Halloween, and Christmas. I love the way the gel lasts forever but I just don’t enjoy the price tag and the maintenance of it all. So, if you are like me, then you’re up for a little DIY nail care. Here are some of my favorite choices when painting my own nails.

Favorite Products

Dashing Diva nail strips have treated me well. I’ve tried a lot of poor-quality nail stickers that don’t actually stick on my nails. This brand is amazing and can be purchased directly from their website or at the counter of most Sally’s Beauty Supply stores. I’ve had great luck with these and only once had an issue with them not sticking, and I’m hoping that was just a one-off.


One thing to note here – Please do not peel these off as the directions say! You will most definitely wreak havoc on your nails. Just soak them with nail polish remover for a minute and then lightly scrub your nails with the remover. The stickers should dissolve, getting rid of the polish and adhesive. 


When it comes to actual nail polish, Sally Hansen’s Miracle Gel lasts longer than most other brands I have tried. This can be found at their online store, on Amazon, or at major retailers such as Target and Walmart. I went to a nail salon for my birthday one year, after using this, and the lady said it felt like I had real gel on my nails. I was happy to hear she thought it was that good of quality! The nice thing is you can remove this with regular polish remover. Just be sure to get the top coat that goes with this polish, it really does help it to last longer.


I use regular non-acetone polish remover, for those who are curious. Also be sure to have a manicure set with good set of clippers and a nice file to shape your nails.

Tips to Preserve Nail Color

Always use dish gloves when cleaning up or washing dishes to help preserve your manicure. You should also use a nail strengthener or hardener between manicures to help keep your nails from breaking too easily. I don’t always have my nails painted, so I try to apply a hardener twice a week when they aren’t polished. Try a few types to see which works best for your nails (Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails is a decent choice and one that I often use).

Time to Relax

The most important part about a spa day is that you are setting aside time to unwind. This isn’t just about pampering yourself, it’s more about allowing yourself to de-stress from a long week. Spa days allow you to hit the pause button on a busy life, providing time to reset.


If you are looking for more good habits to add to your life, check out these healthy morning routines.