cozy home living room

Do's & Don't for a Cozy Home

Warm, inviting, comfortable, relaxing, and homey, are all words that we relate to having a cozy home. Something that we all desire to achieve in our own dwellings. But what about those spaces in our homes that feel the opposite? They are cold, unwelcoming, or even uncomfortable. Let’s change this and turn every space in our homes into a cozy one!

The Don’t of a Cozy Home

Do you ever walk into someone’s house and think it’s too cold? Not in the literal sense, but there’s something about it that isn’t quite welcoming. You feel like you can’t entirely relax there, and you’re never completely comfortable. Let’s discuss what not to do so you can avoid this feeling in your home.

cozy home do's and don'ts

Don’t be too “Modern”

Too much modern style can feel uninviting. With the stiff furniture and harsh angles, everything looks sleek, yet cold. Think about restaurants or coffee shops, so many new spots are modernized with their metal tables and chairs. Nothing is soft, cushioned, or even slightly comfortable. Everything is hard, giving you the sense that you aren’t meant to stay there or enjoy the space. Just come in, order your food, and be on your way. Well, homes that are modernized in this fashion can give off this same feeling. There is no sense of relaxation, no feeling of comfort for your guests to embrace. 

what makes your home unwelcoming

Don’t be too Pristine

Everyone likes the idea of a fancy, lavish home. The catch is that these big, impressive homes, are actually harder to create that cuddle-up vibe in. The expensive décor can make you feel as if you have walked into a museum, a place full of beauty that’s not to be touched. This leads to your guests sitting on the edge of your expensive couch, afraid of disturbing the perfectly placed pillow or staining your immaculate white cushions. They tiptoe around like they are afraid of knocking something over or upsetting the picture-perfect landscape of your home. 


Or worse, the home is void of all sense of personal touch, making it feel like a staged site. Showing your own sense of style, displaying the things that you love, it’s what makes your home feel loved and lived in. A perfectly immaculate place looks great in a magazine but does not give off a sense of relaxation for your guests. If your house is too perfect, it is just that, a house. It is not a home that invites others and makes them feel like they fit into this space.

Don’t be too Uptight

A bit part of our homes not feeling cozy is because we don’t allow ourselves time to unwind at home. We are constantly working on our to-do lists and our chores that we don’t truly enjoy our space until we have thoroughly exhausted ourselves. You should schedule time to just be in your home. Time for you to relax before bed or take a break after a long day. Make this a habit, a routine, where you let yourself feel the effects of your cozy home.


This is especially important when you are hosting a party or event. Do more prep ahead of time so you aren’t running around or spending the entire time in the kitchen. If you are stressed and overwhelmed, your guests will pick up on it. This will make them feel more on edge because they are now worrying about you. So do yourself, and your guests, a favor by managing your time beforehand. This way you can spend that time visiting with your guests instead. If you need some guidance on how to better prep before an event, read these Stress-Free Party Planning Tips.

how to make your home cozy

The Do’s of a Cozy Home

Now that we have discussed what not to do if you want to cozy home, let’s move on to what you should be doing. The simple steps you can take to ensure that your home is cozy and extra inviting to any guests that walks through your door. 

Engage Your Senses

Our senses play a key role in giving off that cozy home feeling. Let’s go through each one in turn.


See: You want to see a clean, clutter-free home. It’s not intended to be immaculate, just tidy and well-organized (you can find some great Cleaning Routines here). Be sure to leave in those charming little touches that make you’re your home special. Also, don’t be afraid to add some color! Paint the walls, display artwork, and use your décor to bring more life to a room.


Hear: Music can change our mood in a brief moment. Different music can bring out different emotions depending on the person, so pick music that brings out the best moods in yourself. Calming sounds and soft instrumentals can make for a cozier, more laid-back atmosphere.


Touch: You want to surround yourself with soft textures that make you want to cuddle up. This can be anything from your furniture and home accents (think about things like upholstered dining chairs, silky curtains, velvet armchairs, or even fuzzy rugs) to the clothing you are wearing.


Scent: Our sense of smell is a powerful thing, and scents can bring fond memories to mind in an instant. Think about scents that bring back happy memories for you and incorporate them into your home. Whether this means cooking a meal, baking dessert, making a cup of coffee. Try adding scented hand soaps, lotions, and candles to different rooms in the house. These all help to give you an immediately relaxed feeling as soon as you take a breath.


Taste: Think of the flavors that make you feel cozy. Often this is relatable to warm meals, things that require us to turn on the oven or stove (or break out that crockpot). Think of the comfort food that you like to cook most and bring more of these meals into your home. Need some ideas? Check out these Cozy Recipes that Feel like a Hug from Food and Wine.


If you want more details on decorating with your senses, check out this post for Seasonal Decorating

cozy lounge at home

Embrace the “Lounge Feel”

The lounge feel, what do I mean by that? Picture a cozy reading nook, a spot with comfy chairs, a wall of books, relaxing music and a warm fireplace. I think of an old study or lounge where the lights are low and it’s always cozy. You cuddle up with a blanket or sweater and never want to leave this space. This is the lounge feel.


So how do you achieve this? Make sure your house has comfortable furniture you can sink into, not something you just sit on. Have lamps to offset the harsh overhead lighting to make for that perfect evening ambiance anytime you desire. Add cushions to wooden chairs, and throws to the couch. (This post from Ideal Home has some great examples for layering on that cozy feeling in your living room.)


Have slippers and cozy socks waiting in a basket at the door to slip in upon arrival for that instant feeling of relaxation. Turn on some music, and start a pot of coffee or mix up some sweet tea. These things will fill your house with a sense of comfort that makes you, and your guests, feel like they have entered a welcoming haven for relaxation.

cozy home do's and don'ts

Take Tips from Grandma

Why is it that our grandmother’s house always felt so warm and cozy? Well, there are a lot of reasons. First, because she was always so welcoming herself, happy to have you over and excited to spend any time she could with you. Secondly, her house was relaxed. The furniture was meant to be sat on, it was comfortable, and you weren’t worried about ruining it.


There was always something to eat and drink, and it was a place you could relax without expectations. Grandma wasn’t looking to impress everyone or show off, she was focusing on hospitality. There’s a lot we can learn from our grandmother’s generation of hostesses, and you can read more about what they can teach us in this article about Hospitality Tips from Grandma

what make a home cozy

Decorate Like You Mean It

Don’t forget to bring your own personality into your home. Add touches of color, hang things on the walls, display photos and beloved accents, and don’t hesitate to mix styles. Homes aren’t meant to fit into some pre-set format (such as one set style of home). Trying too hard to get your home into a typecast mold limits your ability to make it exactly how you like it.  Your home should flow while still reflecting you and your family. 



If you are looking for more ways to make your home inviting, I recommend this post next: How to Make Your Home More Welcoming.